
Basketball tips-off at the 5th Corporate League outing

The 5th outing of the Corporate league shifted base from Old Kampala to MUBS Arena in Nakawa which has seen the game of Basketball tipping off as a result the facility being able to accommodate the game.

DTB bank in red taking on Nile in basketball

Basketball joins the game of Volleyball and Football which have been on the corporate League outings menu in the last four outings, Volleyball joined the course in the last two outings at Old Kampala.

Action pics from the Coca-Cola and Buganda Land Board game

The chairman Uganda Corporate league Dennis Mbidde emphasized Basketball tips-off at the 5th Corporate League outing on the issues of having a healthy working environment as he urged the companies to use bring their staffs to participate in the various sports disciplines.

“We are at MUBS playgrounds today which has enabled us to add another sport in the Corporate league, the last time it was Volleyball but today we have managed to play there game that is Football, Basketball and Volleyball.”

Team MK-Army (Orange) taking on MTN

“Our target is to add various sports like  athletics, swimming, woodball and pool in the coming months, we have also decided on holding a Source of the Nile marathon in Busoga which will be held on the 10th December. Our main target is to help the workers in these companies to have a health life through participating in sports.”

“We also have the kids league where by parents come with their kids and participate in the kids league which accommodates kids from as below as 3years. We are looking forward to making it better with the kids outing being pushed in the third Saturday of the month as kids will enjoy more games.”

The corporate league is preparing for a change in leadership with this being the last year of the two whereby the companies will have to engage in the voting system to see a new leadership in place.

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