
DanceSport: UDSF celebrates International Dance Day in Style

The Uganda DanceSport Federation (UDSF) celebrated the International Dance day with a Step A sweat dance battle at their head offices in Mengo Muteesa I road.

A couple of various crews battled it out in different types of dance moves which included  Popping, Afro Dance and the hip hop style.

DaceSport Athelete in motion (courtsey photograph)

This showed a significant reason to the DanceSport community as they embraced the roots where the sport came from as explained by the UDSF General Secretary Barnabas Ssebuyungo.

“As DanceSport Federation, we are delighted to celebrate the International Dance Day and this has been our norm to embrace the roots where the sport originated from. Last year we celebrated this day in camp with the national team the Dance Cranes who were in preparation for the Olympics qualifiers and we didn’t invite many people.” said Barnabas Ssebuyungo.

UDSF Basic Secretary Barnabas Ssebuyungo (courtsey photograph)

He added, “International Dance Day stands as a global tribute to the art of dance, conceived by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), an essential partner of UNESCO in the realm of performing arts.

This annual celebration commemorates the birth of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727–1810), revered as the progenitor of modern ballet.

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