
AUUS Games 2023: Uganda Martyrs edge Kyambogo University to get their first win


Uganda Martyrs 4-1 Kyambogo University.

Bugema University 5-0 Bishop Stuart.

UCU 3-2 Busitema.


Makerere University 2-1 Nkumba University.

Uganda Martyrs University registered their first win against Kyambogo University on a 4-1 score in the ongoing AUUS Games 2023 at Mukono Primary.

Uganda Martyrs came into the game seeking for a win with a foul goal difference which didn’t turn up well.

It was Kyambogo University who broke the deadlock first in the 16th minute, thanks to a well taken free kick from Hudson Mbalire.

Uganda Martyrs University levelled matters in the 26th minute through Ivan Agamile.

In the 57th minute, Calvin Emayo Peter gifted Uganda Martyrs the second one before scoring the third two minutes later.

Emayo Peter scored the fourth for Uganda Martyrs which was the third on his day with 8 minutes to the final whistle.

Uganda Martyrs lost both of their two opening games that is against IUIU (1-2) as well against MUBS (2-4).

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