
USSSA Ball games II: DanceSport Federation launches new club in Nakifuma ahead of upcoming regional Qualifiers.

The Uganda DanceSport Federation launched a new club at Vision For Africa High school in Nakifuma ahead of the greater Mukono regional Qualifiers to be held at the same e school.

The general secretary Barnabas Ssebuyungo was delighted to have added a new club in the sport as he is so eager to see that it acts as a feeder to the national team as they inspected the facilities which are going to be used for the regional Qualifiers.

Uganda DanceSport Federation General Secretary Barnabas Ssebuyungo

“Today we are here at Vision For Africa High school were we have inspected the facilities they are going to use as they host the greater Mukono DanceSport competition and we have confirmed that they have the capacity to host schools from Buikwe, Nakifuma, Mukono and Lugazi.” Said Barnabas Ssebuyungo.

We have launched the club officially and oriented the students in how they can help explain the sport to other fellow students who are going to attend the competition where we shall pick just two representatives of the region to take part in upcoming USSSA Ball games two which will happen in Kabarole. He added.

Vision For Africa High School students

The school’s will take part in the greater Mukono regional Qualifiers whereby two participating schools will qualify to represent the greater Mukono regional at the upcoming USSSA Ball games II which will be held in Kabarole district at St Mary’s Rushorooza.

The general secretary went ahead to put more emphasis on using schools as the baseline for the development of DanceSport as it is a direct feeder to the national team with young talents coming from schools.

“As a new sport, our national team is basically coming from school competitions and we are privileged to have officially launched another school which will act as a feeder to tye national team. Vision For Africa High School has one of the students who is summoned at the national team so that will be a huge boost to the sport as he will help us in sharing the knowledge of the sport to the school with other fellow students.”

The two schools from great Mukono region will join other twelve schools from various regions of the country at the USSSA Ball games II where they will fight for the two slots to represent Uganda in DanceSport at the East African level.

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