
Source of the Nile Marathon headlines the 2023 Corporate League Launch

21years of existance to benchmark the 2023 Corporate league return with the Source of the Nile Uganda Corporate Marathon in Jinja.

The corporate league games will kick off on Sunday 26th February at Kyadondo Rugby grounds with a couple of game slated to happen with 85 corporate companies set to embrace the feel of the games as they are broadcasted live on the Corporate League TV via NBS sport.

Speaking to media at launch of the league on Wednesday 22nd February at Hotel Africana in Kampala, the corporate league chairman Dennis Mbidde Ssebugwawo has the feel of adding basketball to the games this year 2023.

Dennis Mbidde Ssebugwawo addressing the press 📸 credit Jackson Kayiira

“After playing football as the main game, we have discovered over the years that basketball is a corporate game emersed so much in the corporates. So for us we have seen an area where the corporates can come and play a basketball league that can run concurrently with the football League. It will be played mainly by people from 35years to 55, who want to keep fit and healthy. So this is a product we want to focus on this year.” said Mbidde Ssebugwawo

The Source of the Nile Uganda Corporate Marathon will be directed towards CSR activities which is has always been the key issue in the founding and holding of the Corporate League for over 20 years.

“This marathon will be done for a cause. For instance we have discovered a need in Jinja referral Hospital of an improved cancer and heart institute. So we want to mobilize our 85 companies to fundraise for such projects.”

There is also a proposed new start of the kids corporate league games which are slated for June 17th at the Legends Rugby grounds with the aim of bringing Kids on board as an aim to promote games in the younger generation.

Dennis Mbidde hinted on the affected games which have been out on the calendar of the corporate league as result of hosting venues with Namboole being under renovation but he has added hope to the basketball fans with the game under final preparations to be added.

“We are going to come in Partnership with FUBA and introduce a basketball Corporate league, we have been playing football for a while, basketball is a Corporate sport and many want it, so we decided to add it also to our games.”

The Corporate league league organising committee will have a busy schedule with a couple of activities taking place throughout the year.

Source of the Nile Uganda Corporate Marathon which is on 22nd April 2023.

The Nile Corporate League Excellency Dinner Awards Ceremony, expected on 1st December 2023 at Hotel Africana.

Managers monthly outting and this is expected to be held every first Friday of the month.

The Corporate League CEO Breakfast Awards and Fundraiser, to be held on Friday 7th, July 2023 at Sheraton hotel 

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