
Boxing Bonanza: Gombya extend support to boxers ahead of end of year climax fights

The step by step boxing promotion’s CEO Eddie Gombya has punched above his weight as he extend support to all the boxers that will take part in the Boxing Bonanza end of year fights at Aponye Mall rooftop on the 31st December.

Gombya extend a package of food stuffs to all the boxers and Kick boxers who will fight on the new years Eve at the much anticipated Boxing Bonanza fights at a press briefing held at Aponye Mall bon Thursday 15th December.

He went ahead to urge them to go and prepare enough for the fights so as they give their fans the best fights of the year.

“We want to morale boost boxers who will play on the 31st as we shall be having boxing and kickboxing on that day. We are here to give them something small that we have got so that they get prepared for the fights.” Said Eddie Gombya the step by step CEO.

The Boxing Bonanza fights are fully sanctioned by the Uganda Professional Boxing Commission (UPBC), organised by Step by Step, Nara management and will be held at Aponye Mall rooftop at a fee of 10k and 20k VIP.

The boxing bonanza will have a unique experience with the fans enjoying the feel of fire works in the middle of the city with over 15 bouts set to entertain the crowd from both boxing and kickboxing.

Charles Mulindwa will take on Hussein Mbonde from Tanzania in the main fight of the night as UPDF’s Abdul Ssebutte will look forward to an unfinished business against Muhammad Nsubuga of Police.

All the fights

  1. Charles Mulindwa (Uganda) VS Hussein Mbonde (Tanzania)
  2. Abdul Ssebute VS Muhammad Nsubuga
  3. Kenneth Lukyamuzi VS Samali Ntambi
  4. Hamza Wandera VS Bududa Khalifan
  5. Nasser Bukenya VS Ayub Wakisadha
  6. Musisi VS Joshon Tunsingirwe
  7. Lubega VS Alex Batwawula
  8. Hudson Muhumuza VS Musa Kazungu
  9. Mercy Acayo VS Med Sekimpi
  10. Musa Mugisha Vs Muhammad Sekimpi
  11. Yasin Sajabi VS Sowali Ssentongo
  12. Moses Mukiibe vs Joseph Nteza
  13. Moses Mutaka VS Sudais Ssentale
  14. Kayemba VS Fredrick Okou
  15. Jowali Kalenzi VS Bheffe Tishebo
  16. Ahamed Kasozi VS Sahrif Olumu

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