
FUFA women Football marketing and Communications media workshop kicks off at Njeru technical centre

The inaugural FUFA women Football marketing and Communications media workshop has taken centre stage today the 5th of October at FUFA technical centre in Njeru. 

The three day course will climax on Friday the 7th of October with participants being awarded certificates of attendance. 

The main target of the workshop is to equip club media officers and journalists who report about women football in Uganda with more skills on the latest trends of the game. 

The FUFA Excom member Rogers Byamukama who graced the opening ceremony highlighted that the course help the media practitioners shape the image of women football to the public.

Photo credit Andrew Talengwa

“Marketing and Communications are key components for every organisation as they are very important for stakeholders engagement. The media is one of FUFA’s key stakeholders as they play a key role in dissemination of news about our activities professionally. Without media,  it’s difficult to achieve organisational objectives’ said Byamukama.

The first session of the workshop was conducted by FUFA Executive Secretary for Football Development Ronnie Kalema who highligted about FUFA and its Development programmes which helped the participants to get a  clear understanding of Association football.

The morning session also had Communication in football was presented by FUFA Communications Director Ahmed Hussein. It covered areas of objectives of communications, role of a media officer, initiating media coverage and supplying information on demand by the media. 

Laws of the Game and Marketing in football were also part of the opening day activities. 

Ronnie Kalema during the first presentation

Kalema who is a former FIFA referee took the media through the opening seven laws of the game he believes will help the participants. 

The laws of the game presented practically were field of play, ball, players, players’ equipment, Referee, other match officials and duration of the game. 

Byamukama also noted 

“The vision of FUFA is to be the number one institution both on and off the pitch and that basically means we have to keep innovating and keep doing the right things. You should expect more as this is one of the many initiatives we are going to have in women football therefore expect more to come.”

What participants are saying:

Ahmed Hussein and Apio Nicole Gloria

 NBS sport journalist Gloria Nicole Apio as she expressed her gratitude on the course.

“Today we opened up the first program about women football marketing and today they talked about FUFA’s journey with women football from where it started and where it is right now.” Said Apio

“I am so happy for the opportunity which FUFA has given to us as young journalists to know more about women football.” 

Here is the full list of participants


1. Gladys Zawedde 

2. Aminah Namutebi 

3. Aminah Babirye

4. Magret Trexsoner

5. Gloria Nicole Apio

6. Amatulah Nabukeera

7. Faridah Tomusange Nassejje

8. Namikka Priscilla

9. Kansiime Jazirah

10. Tuhirirwe Judith


1.Waiswa Hamuza

2. Ali Ssewanyana

3. Swaib Mbuga

4. Sinan Rajub Ssenoga

5. Hamza Ssali

6. Isma Mivule

7. Hambali Majojo

8. Andrew Talengwa

9. Edwin Waiswa

10. Shafic Mutebi

11. Uwizera Haba Plan

12. Hassan Kirunda

13. Steven Mayanja

14. Kakungulu Godfrey

15. Omara Yona

16. Joshua Bachwa Abwoli

17. Abbey Munwyevu

18. Collins Arop Stanslas

19. Phillip Dexer Muhumuza

20. Kintu Banur

21. Ssempijja Issa

22. Ochora Samuel Oryem

23. Opua John Baptist

24. Nsingwire Godfrey

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