
UBF patron Mukula entertains Bombers in a Victory dinner at his Residence 

The Uganda Boxing Federation Patron Mike Mukula who doubles as the NRM Vice Chairperson for Eastern Region hosted the Bombers at his residence in Bugolobi after a successful journey in Cameroon.

The Bombers team managed to clinch seven medals from the Africa Elite Boxing Championships as they bagged two silver medals and five bronze medals.

“I am extremely humbled for the great representation by the Bombers. You raised the country’s flag high and that’s why on behalf of the government of Uganda I hosted you here to celebrate that victory.” Capt. Mike Mukula started 

“This year Boxing has showed us that Uganda has got the worth in any international engagement, President Muhangi managed to bring here the International Boxing Federation President Umar Kremerev who us $ 5BN, this was a great privilege adding on the land given to boxing by the government and also the I thank the Buganda Kingdom who also gave boxing land in Matugga.” 

Capt. Mike Mukula also thanked the sponsors who have always pushed the Bombers in various competitions like the Boxing Championships league which has been key to the Boxers performances in Cameroon.

UBF President Moses Muhangi and Capt. Mike Mukula

“This is the right investment for our sponsors Sting Energy drink alongside other partners and the media who have done a great job in pushing these boxers to performing at their very best in all competitions, this has been reaped by the seven medals they have brought from Cameroon.”

Mukula shared a piece of advice to the Boxers as he urged the to always focus on using the first round as stepping stone to victory.

“If you enter the ring make sure that by the first round you have won your fight, always weaken your opponent in the first round, this helps you to reserve your energy for the next opponent.” 

“Discipline and Patriotism are a key to success. I thank the Boxers for not staying back in Cameroon and have managed to come back in a full team as they went.”

He went ahead to promise the boxing fraternity that he will ensure that he writes to government for maximum support ahead of the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics qualifiers.

“A head of the upcoming Olympics qualifiers, I am going to write to the government together with the President Muhangi to see that we can get the necessary funding as we prepare earlier enough.”

Erina Namutebi and Wasswa Ssali who lost their battle in the finals bagged Silver medals and a cash prize of $ 10,000 (Shs36M) whereas Geko Solomon, Matovu Ukasha, Ronald Okello, Grace Nankinga and Emily Nakalema settled for Bronze to bag $ 5,000 (Shs18M).

The quarterfinalists Ssemuddu Muzamir, James Baraka, Kayiwa Lawrence and Sharua Ndagire only settled for a cash prize of $1,250 (Shs 4.5M).

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