
Uganda DanceSport Federation shifts focus to nurturing young talents

The Uganda DanceSport Federation is eager to nurture young talents as they held a students capacity building workshop on Saturday 10th June at their offices in Mengo.

Students in the Mceeing Session

The capacity building workshop was aimed at equipping the students with skills in various sectors of the game of DanceSport through the basics of Mceeing, Deejaying and Judging the sport.

The federation General Secretary Barnabas Ssebuyungo looks forward to grooming the young talents which they will use to promote the game in various sectors with people well versed with the techniques involved in the game.

“As a federation we are trying to equip our stakeholders with the knowledge on how DanceSport can be promoted and also to increase on the technical people in the sport. Today we have managed to hold a students capacity building workshop where we are looking at judges, Deejays and Mcees who are the most technical people in DanceSport.” Said Barnabas Ssebuyungo 

DanceSport Federation General Secretary Barnabas Ssebuyungo

“As a young sport we want to grow with our athletes so by the time they leave school they can come and work with the federation in the technical positions.These students are going to be the same people to judge, Mcee and also do the deejaying at various schools competitions.” He added

Over 80 students attended the one day seminar with atleast three representatives from 25 schools across the country. 

Mukisa Precious Cynthia a student at St Lawrence Horizon campus who holds a passion in music attended the Deejaying session and indeed she gained alot as she went a head to thank the federation for the opportunity.

Deejaying Class

“I have attended the Deejaying session and it has been so beneficial to me as as student because my passion is to be a deejay at one point, I have learnt a lot like matching the BPM of the songs, queuing in and out and alot more on how to set up the equipments.” Said Mukisa Precious Cynthia.

“I would like to take this opportunity and thank the management of Uganda DanceSport Federation for the opportunity given to us, our teachers who have taken us through these sessions and the students who have tuned up.” She added.

Students attending the Judging Session

The students who attended the Mceeing Session were taken through the basics of public speaking and the skills which can help them become better Mcees in future with also the Judges session being held by teaches who judge the competitions taking students through the basic skills and techniques of awarding points in the competition.

All students who attended the capacity building workshop were given a test session to express what they have learnt and later awarded with Certificates off attendance.

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