
Kitara Unveil Brian Ssenyondo, Given Lofty Target

Kitara FC have unveiled Brian Ssenyondo as their next coach for the upcoming season.

Ssenyondo joins Kitara on a two-year deal, a day after resigning from UPDF FC.

It’s a shocking development after the gaffer was strongly linked to a move to FUFA Women Super League side Kampala Queens.

And it was also earlier reported that Edward Golola and Wasswa Bbosa were the front runners for Kitara job.

At Kitara, Ssenyondo replaces Sam Ssimbwa who left helped the side earn UPL promotion.

“The previous coach’s (Sam Ssimbwa) contract came to an end, and we both agreed not to renew,” said Kitara FC president Deo Kasozi.

“We have chosen Brian Ssenyondo as our next coach. He fills into the Club’s targets which is finishing among the top five. We think that the energy and support we will give him will enable our club be competitive.”

“This season, we want to play competitive and entertaining football as well, and we feel Coach Ssenyondo fills into that description. He has been at National Junior teams and we except him to bring in a couple of young players.”

At Kitara, he said that he has been given a chance to pick his own assistants.

This is Ssenyondo’s third team in Uganda Premier League, having also handled Mbarara City.

He started out at Synergy FC, where they fell short in FUFA Big League playoffs against Mbarara City at Lugogo.

Achieving a top five finish is a lofty target for Ssenyondo, but the gaffer said that he is privileged to join the newcomers.

“I thank the Management of Kitara and I want to say that I accepted the job the moment I was contacted because I love their vision and plan,” said Ssenyondo.

“I am happy to join this mighty family and once again happy to be entrusted with the vision of the club.

“It’s a job I couldn’t turn down the moment. I am a young coach who’s is eager to perform and I want to sit on the table of great coaches.

“I want to add on the Kitara brand and of course mine. I enjoy good football. I have a culture of bleeding new players in top flight and I pride myself in that. I want Kitara to be one of the best clubs. I promise the fans that in me you have a good coach, we are eager to perform.”

Much as the management wants a top five finish, Ssenyondo’s first task will be making sure this side doesn’t drop down.

Kitara were relegated on their debut season in top flight in the 2020/21 season.

He inherits a Community club where fans have a big say and hugely respected, but he will be accepted the moment results start to go his way.

Next now is assembling a competitive squad, and he will be expected to add in some new faces including some from UPDF FC.

The current squad at Kitara is a blend of young and old, with the young ones including Lazaro Bwambale and Ronald Kayondo.

Captain Maxwell Owachigui, Paul Mucureezi, George Ssenkaaba among others may form the Club’s core ahead of the new UPL season.

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