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Uganda Rugby Union: Godwin Kayangwe Retains Presidency

URU Excom 2023-2027:
1.President – Godwin Kayangwe
2.Vice President Commercial – Andrew Oulanya
3.Vice President Technical – Eric Butime
4.Secretary – Peter Odong
5.Treasurer – Kennedy Mulindwa
6.Women Representative – Prossy Nakakande
7.Age grade & Development – Dorothy Nekesa
8.Upcountry Representative – Duncan Kirya

Godwin Kayangwe has been re-elected as President of Uganda Rugby Union after defeating competitor Philip Kiboijana.

In the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 23rd April, 2023, the Uganda Rugby Union conducted elections for the various Excom positions within the union.

The highlight of the elections was the re-election of the incumbent president, Godwin Kayangwe, who won in a landslide victory over his competitor Philip Kaboijana with a resounding 65-8 votes victory.

Kayangwe has been at the helm of the union for the past four years, during which time many will say he has overseen various initiatives aimed at growing the sport in the country.

Speaking after his re-election, the President-elect expressed his gratitude to the voting team for their confidence in him and pledged to continue working towards the development of rugby in Uganda. He also thanked his opponent, Philip, for putting up a spirited contest and urged him to work together with the union to grow the sport.

The New Uganda Rugby Union Executive

Philip Kiboijana on the other hand thanked the many who believed in him. He also thanked all the candidates that took part in the election and congratulated the winners for their victories, wishing them the best in their term of office. He does not hope to have active involvement in sports from here on as he says this was his final run.

“It has been a decade of service to the sport. I learnt a lot and shared a lot on this amazing journey,” Kiboijana said.

“As I said at the start of this campaign, this was one last run – so I will now, be a fan, sit back and enjoy watching the sport that I still love.”

The meeting also saw the election of other positions within the Excom, including the Vice Presidents Technical and Commercial, Treasurer, Secretary, and Women’s representative.

For the position of Vice President Commercial, Member of Parliament Omoro County, Andrew Oulanya emerged victorious receiving 57 votes. His competitors, Cheman Salem and Nathan Wasolo, received only 5 and 12 votes, respectively.

With Oulanya bearing the ”Member of Parliament” status, he is expected to bring about positive changes in the commercial development of rugby in the country, as he is tasked with driving growth and investment in the sport.

Eric Butime was elected Vice President Technical after garnering a total of 49 votes, while his opponent Zeno Ochieno, received 24. The Vice President technical will be responsible for overseeing the technical aspects of the game, including coaching and player development.

Peter Odong retained his position as URU Secretary, obtaining 50 votes over Regina Lunyolo’s 24. Having served as Secretary in the previous term, Odong’s re-election could be testament to the confidence that union members have in his ability to continue to effectively manage the union’s administrative affairs.

There was a somewhat tight contest for the position of Treasurer with Kennedy Mulindwa emerging triumphant over Samuel Lubanga with a narrow vote margin of 40 against 34.

Prossy Nakakande won the position of Women’s Representative with 49 votes over Zakia Maseruka’s 25. This position is especially significant for women’s rugby in Uganda as it ensures that women’s rugby will continue to have a voice within the union.

Dorothy Nekesa and Duncan Kirya were unopposed for Agegrade & Development and Upcountry Representative respectively and so they joined the elected six to a total of eight Excom members.

The union has been making significant strides in the development of rugby in the country and the elected office bearers will be tasked and expected to lead the union forward and to continue the progress that has been made in the development of rugby in the country.

With their commitment, transparency and hard work, it is safe to say that Ugandan rugby is poised for even greater success in the coming years.

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